Tuesday, 27 July 2010

helllloooo out there

Well let me just say howdy doody from the wonderful of whatever.
I set this up with the idea that i would just start blogging away however @1 am what do you blog about. I recently got my first tattoo and its at the stage where its partly scabby and flaking - yum right loool.
Im already considering another 1 I got the idea whilst roaming the internet on another blog called The morning news (thats the direct link to the post) basically its a post on how to give a tattoo (very detailed btw) and @ the end of it the writer successfully tattoos a bee onto the persons knee and entitled it the bees knees - awesome right ?
So now I want a bee tattooed onto my knee so that I also may be the bees knees loool.
Now I know its been done so why do I want it you ask? well i want it not for its originality or grand design but for it wackiness; the glorious whacky anecdote I would have to tell when people ask me why a bee on my knee?( southern bell accent).

I'm open to suggestions on anything original / whacky to have for my second tattoo